"Many have known it, but nobody did anything about it." This is sure-footed conclusio his last research on various sides of those people who were admitted to secure our pensions. Now it looks more like it, that they are keen on our pensions, because once again is called openly for the murder of the infidels and the apostates. A detailed press coverage now accompanies this attempted ethnic cleansing, but the dhimmis look away, because reality does not match the match what they are getting daily drummed:
Let's start with the worst of: a call for murder (see the screenshot as a title image - click to enlarge and then click the magnifying glass) to apostates we see The truth in the heart , tied in closely with Islamically Incorrect :
- It is our opinion that whoever the admissibility of other existing religion today - other than Islam - claimed, like Judaism, Christianity and so on, is an infidel. He should be asked to repent if he does not repent, he must be killed as a murtad 3 (apostate), because it rejects the Qur'an .*
On good German: Islam means peace - and to him who does not consent, the head is cut off.
Indeed there is a retraction in the footnote,
* You must have a state with an Islamic legal system
but that is such a country must have it, the following video shows titled "To all men," the brother Nils Ibrahim in Forum the page. He calls it more or less openly to fight against the infidel. Of course, it is fully consistent with the terms and conditions youtubes:
that these calls for murder does not remain unheard, as the the situation of former Muslims in Germany who took the religious freedom guaranteed to Christianity and changed. The German wave reported already on 30.11.2006 on the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR):
In Germany it is estimated by human rights organizations and churches around 6,000 converts who are of Muslim faith changed to Christianity. More than half of them, shall be presumed, are Iranians
converts in the Persian community in Cologne have had almost all first baptized in Germany. But they have prejudices and threats endured by religious fanatics. Most of them have been abused many times and must always explain how they could leave Islam. Convert Babak was threatened many times on the phone: "One has ever said to me that I had sold my faith, and therefore will go to hell But before I was to experience the evil on earth.."
When it then comes to exact figures, then, as so often no one knows and no one has heard anything. The collateral damage of a mafia-like organized society of numbers can not be detected, the Omerta an impact:
In Germany it has in spite of religious freedom killing converts given. Nevertheless, they are not tangible for prosecutors, said an employee of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) in Frankfurt: "These killings are similar to the so-called honor killings, covered up and output as domestic accidents or car accidents. How many murders of converts there knew, so no exact .
An evil Islamophobic article by a journalist or the individual cases of highly stylized? Hardly - just six months earlier reported SWR that the preachers of hate to mobilize the "Truth in the Heart" more foot soldiers, as we all want:
Ulrich Neumann and Fritz Schmaldienst report that in our midst, including in Germany, Christians are severely threatened because of their religion.
We meet a man who fears for his life. Hassan, a former Muslim from Iran. For 20 years he has lived with us. Nevertheless, he is pursued and terrorized by radical Muslims because he is a Christian.
"We were always threatened. Phone. They always books, Islamic books sent to me. And once they have called me have said, "You have three children, you have to be careful." Or the hose they have cut. Pure sugar in the tank or the car windows at all, which have been ruined with a hammer and stuff. "
on his wife was even committed a terrible disaster.
O-Ton, Ahmed *, former Muslim, now Christian,
"You have the front tires, all screws made them loose. So loose that they could be open by hand. "
" Because I am baptized, and for Muslims and radical Muslims, I am Heath. And heath in the Islamic religion is death. "
So, who renounce the Muslim religion is everywhere to expect the worst. Furthermore, he knows all Pastor Winfried Kahla. For 35 years he has been pastor for Iranians who have become Christians. He speaks their language and knows how threatened they live.
because the Koran is written: "And if they turn back, then seize them and slay them wherever you find them" (Koran 4:89)
must and you do not sneak into the backyard of a mosque housing estate to the following. facts to learn. No, the facts are public, anyone who wants to see her, she can look like this Press Release of SWR about the Sharia-compliant murder right of every true believer against apostates:
confirmed the German embassy in Tehran also want to fallen Muslims severe penalties are imposed. In two letters, the REPORT MAINZ there is stated: "The Iranian regime continues to respond ... with a heavy hand on missionary activities, and apostasy from Islam." And: "The apostasy can ... ... are followed by every Muslim according to the Koran."
And what do the Muslim organization in this country? Outrage? Silence? Distance? One has explicitly to the Basic Law and allows a change of belief as the SWR continues:
we would like to know how Germany-based Muslim organizations evaluate the conversion to Christianity. Seven, we have written. Only one admits Muslims living in the right to a change of belief to. The others have answered evasively or not at all. Too bad. Religious freedom in Germany is a fundamental right.
We have deliberately chosen so old articles. For it should not have said that we would have known nothing. People say exactly what they are, they conceal almost nothing and if you do not mention, they do not deny, but at best a little push around. Simultaneously, a Geburtendschihad
breaks down on us. Hassan was the name of New Year's baby in Austria, Mohammed is in many parts of Europe, already the most popular male first name for newborns.
In German soccer player in the jargon: Our friends at the Islamic Cultural enrichment Brigade To play as long as the game is still away on time. If the away-once become the home game, then we do its great and highly motivated youth department. Our only chance, we should play to our technical superiority and run it - the best free transfer home.
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed is a child molester by today's standards.
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