Today we received a letter of thanks from Susan Winter. We will forward this letter on to those people who did here also known publicly that they believe Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
Freedom of speech must not be slaughtered on the altar of Islamophilie using multifunctional Volksverhetzungskeule. Never.
I would like to personally thank you for the nice words.
you and many people from Austria, but also from other parts of the world, I have in the past Weeks a lot of energy, courage but also the determination where to focus attention on problems and abuses continue in our beautiful Austria open.
It covers cases of forced marriages, forced circumcisions and to suppress our freedoms. Each one is one too many. That and nothing else I wanted to explain. As a woman, a mother, but also as an elected representative who wants to have maintained our traditions, values and rule of law.
Freedom of expression is regarded as very foundations of our democracy. Although I was convicted of first instance, do not feel guilty and will therefore continue to fight. I will fight it, that the legitimate Concerns of many other Austrian politicians are not taken seriously.
I will fight it, that Muslim religious teachers in schools arise with hate against our country and reject our democracy, as it already does in five. And I'm going to use against the forced marriage of underage girls, because such sad cases occur in Austria.
Even children are for me the greatest good of society and therefore especially worthy of protection. As a wife and mother is my biggest concern. I will fight for our children and their happy childhood.
Thank you for supporting me in this way. I I will not let things get.
Dr. Susanne Winter
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