This article was published on 16.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
the massive problems of real existing Islam with any form of self-determined, intelligent life shows us today on an Afghan appeal court. This was confirmed 20 years in prison at first instance for two well-meaning true believers (see photo), who had the audacity to translate the Book of Allah in Arabic in one of the national languages. The Baltimore Examiner white Details:
The controversial text is a translation of Islam's holy book into at Afghan language without the original Arabic verses alongside. Muslims regard the Quran as Arabic words given directly by God. A translation is not considered a Quran itself, and it is believed that a mistranslation could warp God's word.
If the crimes of the warlord Mohammed no longer be announced in Arabic, Allah would be offended. By comparison, in 1521, just so half a millennium, translated Martin Luther, the Bible from Latin into German, and remained a free man
The really bad thing is that the two are still got away well, the prosecutor asked the the death penalty according to sharia
The prosecutor had asked for the death penalty for the two men _ Ahmad Ghaws Zalmai, a former spokesman for the attorney general, and Mushtaq Ahmad, a Muslim cleric who signed a letter endorsing the translation.
The judge gave the prosecutor content also fully right, as he said that the death penalty in any case would have been no extreme punishment for the two chief judge Abdul Salam
Qazizada Islamic Shariah law invoked when reading out the sentence, saying death would not have been punishment to extreme .
"He who commits an act is seeking to infidel and should be killed," according to some interpretations of Shariah law, Qazizada said.
but decided - completely at the mercy door opening in accordance with Sharia law - without explanation that the punishment is retained in the first instance.
Qazizada did not explain why they did not issue a harsh verdict
Not that we particularly affected had with them. Who spread this vicious cult should not be surprised if one takes the devil.
But this case is a fine example of the time in which the followers of Mohammed are: in the dark ages.
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed is a child molester by today's standards.
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