This article was published on 02.28.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against barbarism and civilization phobia.
After the threats of the past we learn about the real existing Islam have in person. runs against a hacker attack, so today was the site shortly offline or difficult to reach.
Liberty will never perish, and the rest, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
This article was published on 28.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
We all know that Islam is not just gently deal with criminals and that is basically not bad. In this video (not for the gentle souls) seem all the horses back to the true believers go through. An 8 year old who had stolen in a market in Iran bread is fixed to the floor, so a truck can drive over his arm as punishment. Since even the kids would probably love the Prophet high bile.
Oh yes, otherwise, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
Strasbourg: University of Islamic financial systems
This article was published on 02.28.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
After last year called for in March, the German Bundesbank "legal and prudential requirements " for Sharia banks in Germany and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in April to invest heavily Sharia banks (which include close connections to terrorist financiers were detected) was used, now France opens its gates for a Trojan horse: The German wave cheered the course of Islamic financial systems in Strasbourg:
The Sharia against the financial crisis
The global financial crisis, the astonishing consequences: The University of Strasbourg is now offering the first university in Europe, a degree course in "Islamic Financial Systems ". This is a growing, promising market, say the professors. And because the Koran prohibits interest earnings and loans, Islamic banks were also hit as hard by the financial crisis. The Islamic financial system was based on ethical principles and is consistent with the Koran. Economy would therefore not only psychology, but also religion
Who threw up not after so much adulation his monitor, and starts to think, where it slowly dawns. Yes, of course, Islamic banks are less affected hard by the financial crisis. Anyone who operates an economic system based on circumvention Allah and instead is based on numbers, and who for centuries have so long even in the Stone Age has been living, which of course can not lose anything.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the most important yardstick of capitalist enterprise is, in spite of rapid descent still on the 1997 level, which still means a tenfold increase compared to 1970th Although many people have now lost something: the capitalist economic system has more wealth - and above all well-distributed - created as any other system. And Saudi Arabia is not considered a counter-example, because there is the price of free social security, the freedom and the rich have refused percentage there is much more than the poor. Similarly, socialism, there is the price that freedom taken, and a strong national bankruptcy Bonzentum.
It's like democracy, capitalism has many errors in detail, but there is no alternative on the whole that does not end sooner or later, in a form of slavery. These Islamic prophets of doom can not be taken seriously, as the followers of the religion of peace indeed means capitalism copy circumvention for the pleasure of Allah and obedience from their ideologically-related only do not have the courage to stand by their actions, but still preach piously about it. Right, Mr. Özuguz ?
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
This article was published on 28.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
The London Evening Standard dedicated part today's edition of Ed Husain, the Co-Director of the Quilliam Foundation. Husain is like any other employee of the Foundation (allegedly) get out of the radical scene and gave us in on 24 February published the first British mosque study deep insights into the state within a state. The three major findings of this study are :
• a staggering 97 per cent of imams (clerics) in mosques are from overseas, although the majority of Muslims in Britain were born in the UK;
• forty-four per cent of mosques Do Not hold the lecture before Friday Prayers English, making it difficult for young British Muslims to access weekly guidance at mosques, nearly half and
of mosques • Do not have facilities for Britain's Muslim women, depriving half the community of access to public spaces.
Man, these three issues are at the Catholic church:
The first would still by a multi-cultural enrichment to the public, provided that the priest would come from Nigeria or Brazil. In Poland and Spain have had a risk of Erzkonservativismus in default.
44% of the Mass in Latin - and the open top scale would rattle lights properly.
50% of homes without Frauenklo parish - and Gertraud Knoll is actually the President in Austria.
According to the facts and the obvious comparisons, but now back to the Evening Standard article. We see how these facts affect everyday life. Sun now the imams are trained not even be indirectly by the Taliban, the tolerance is the key:
"We have 27 seminaries - or dar ul uluum - in Britain, Of which 25 are in the austere Deobandian tradition: anti- gay, anti-women and antithetical to liberal democracy. Deobandian The movement is the one that created the Taliban and its graduates have taken up nearly 100 posts as chaplains in our prisons. (...)"
However, not only by the descendants is große Gefahr aus: die älteren Imame laufen an der kurzen Leine jener Leute, die sie als Billigstimport ins Land geholt haben:
"Physically these imams live in Britain but psychologically they're still back in their rural villages in Mirpur and Sylhet, which are intellectually deprived and theologically conservative and as different from London as one could imagine. The mosque management committees, typically made up of first-generation elderly male immigrants, hire these imams because they are cheaper to employ - their average salary is £12,000 compared with £30,000 for a locally-trained imam - and because they don't rock the boat."
Die Regierung schaut zu und fordert nicht einmal Grundlegendes wie einen Strafregisterauszug on entry, on knowledge of the language English dares anyway to think no dhimmi more:
"And instead of them being made to learn English by the state when they arrive and undertaking some form of education in the ways of our liberal democracy, the Government turns a blind. The vast majority of eye imams from abroad have not even gone through the basic legal requirement of a Criminal Records Bureau check. It's nothing short of scandalous. "
If any of these imams all times to bunt drives and justifies the murder of British troops in Afghanistan, yes, then it deletes the British government halt its supply post in the Ministry of Finance. Deportation or prosecution would run so surely against human rights:
"And at the East London Mosque, Which has thousands of congregants, the imam is a main guy who trained in Saudi Arabia Wahabist. One of their trustees, Azad Ali, employed as a civil servant, was recently suspended from his job at .. the Treasury because he suggested killing British troops fighting in Iraq is justified
Ed Husain at a high price to pay for his cuddle therapy experiment with this for 1,500 years notoriously choleric and aggressive ideologies, the patient Islam does not just positively to the therapy:
Three weeks ago, his think-tank Quilliam received a bomb threat at its central London office Which, for security reasons, has no name plate outside. "We had a communication accusing us of being sell-outs and warning us that our office was about to be bombed. We had to call the police. I'm used to this, but for our staff of 15, it was very distressing."
For Husain, it was one of two low points that led him to momentarily consider returning to the quieter life of his doctorate in political science at the School of Oriental and African Studies.
"When the death threats impact your family, it's extremely hard to take," he says. "Recently my wife was watching The Islam Channel on digital satellite television when a piece came on that was so full of hostility and hatred towards me that she fainted - clean passed out - from the shock. At times like that, you wonder if it's worth it."
So wird Husains Vorbild wohl immer Vorbild Remain
We can learn from the Jewish community, "he says." At synagogues the world over, they say a prayer every Saturday for the government of the land and express gratitude for what the host country offers. That sort of sentiment is a fundamental tenet of Islam but our imams are a million miles away from appreciating the liberties we enjoy here in Britain, or even understanding how our society works. "
because tomorrow may be that on which the half-moon Downing Street would like to see the wind blow, march against Western values - with police protection:
"Tomorrow, Anjem Choudhary and his radical Islamic group for the UK, Which glorifie terrorism and aims to fly the flag of Islam above Downing Street, is leading a 'march for Islam' in the East End against western values.
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
As the ORF reported today , has the spa bath Tatzmannsdorf AG (which is partly owned by the Province of Burgenland) to let down, to cough up a Dhimmisteuer. The occasion was a Muslim doctor who has not been set, despite good qualifications, because she refused to adhere to local dress codes:
A Muslim doctor has a job at the spa Tatzmannsdorf AG do not get because she refused to give at work on the headscarf.
Who would think now that this is clearly and simply not the case for a discrimination claim is mistaken. Of course the doctor has filed a lawsuit and the Land Office have not had the courage to wait for a verdict. Whether because of Susanne Winter process haunted the mind of those responsible?
The out of court settlement is not bad for the servant of Allah: a tidy sum for a minute work
Even before it could reach a verdict, paid the spa Tatzmannsdorf AG, the required compensation of 4,500 euros.
But not only that financial Bonus makes the wife happy, the city of Vienna has also done a help, because what is not in the province is in the capital for a long time:
now works the doctor at Vienna General Hospital - with a headscarf.
Who would think his time in charge can do so here: Luipersbeck Rudolf, director of spa bath Tatzmannsdorf AG:
personnel department of the Vienna General Hospital:
This article was published on 27.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
If the news channel CNN once alert, then the average consumer should know what hour has struck it. Now, the otherwise tolerant news producers from Atlanta, the proposed UN resolution that will criminalize criticism of Islam around the world (as reported here include and here), in their sights. CNN's Lou Dobbs Star it will not accept that the free world can be from 57 Islamic dictatorships in a democratic vote at the nose ring to parade. A remarkable video that John McCain's idea of a "League of Democracies" seem more necessary than ever can.
look quick before youtube deletes:
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed is a child molester by today's standards.
This article was published on 27.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
When it comes to political leaders Englan, then such images should not be shown to the public. They do not forfeit the future masters in the country and have just after the entry ban imposed a ban on turning a terrorist film - in the name of peaceful coexistence with Geert Wilders now - also in the name of peaceful coexistence. The Indian website reported on anticipation of obedience in the name of peaceful coexistence: If writer-director
Renzil D'Silva had his way, his debut film on terrorism, Which is being produced by Karan Johar, would have been shot in London. Unfortunately permission was denied to shoot in any underground tube station of London.
This time it is however not an isolated case: The same happened with
Karan's directorial venture 'My Name Is Khan ". He could not get permission to shoot this Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol rigid in London.
course, there are no reasons for refusing permission to shoot. We learn from the Hindu News only that was about a year ago turned down a film shoot on the same topic first from "material reasons" and was allowed only after intervention of the British Film Council.
"Getting permission was tough The British Authorities were very apprehensive because they had read my script. The UK Film Council had to invervene after we protested about artistic muzzling, "Mundhra told IANS.
Now after Geert Wilders'Einreiseverbot break in the UK do all dams, censors on as if the former home of freedom would be a caliphate already. The Indian film-makers were left with a flight to the U.S., where they were welcomed with open arms: Since a major chunk
of the terrorists' scenes featuring Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Vivek Oberoi and Om Puri were situated in a tube station, The unit had no option but to shift base to Philadelphia, where permission was not only to shoot Obtained in a tube station but to entire train was hired for shooting during off hours. Only the stupidest calves
look for their own butcher, and the very stupid to even give him the tools - in this case, the rediscovered censorship.
Moreover, we believe, that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
Today we received a letter of thanks from Susan Winter. We will forward this letter on to those people who did here also known publicly that they believe Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards. Freedom of speech must not be slaughtered on the altar of Islamophilie using multifunctional Volksverhetzungskeule. Never.
I would like to personally thank you for the nice words.
you and many people from Austria, but also from other parts of the world, I have in the past Weeks a lot of energy, courage but also the determination where to focus attention on problems and abuses continue in our beautiful Austria open.
It covers cases of forced marriages, forced circumcisions and to suppress our freedoms. Each one is one too many. That and nothing else I wanted to explain. As a woman, a mother, but also as an elected representative who wants to have maintained our traditions, values and rule of law.
Freedom of expression is regarded as very foundations of our democracy. Although I was convicted of first instance, do not feel guilty and will therefore continue to fight. I will fight it, that the legitimate Concerns of many other Austrian politicians are not taken seriously.
I will fight it, that Muslim religious teachers in schools arise with hate against our country and reject our democracy, as it already does in five. And I'm going to use against the forced marriage of underage girls, because such sad cases occur in Austria.
Even children are for me the greatest good of society and therefore especially worthy of protection. As a wife and mother is my biggest concern. I will fight for our children and their happy childhood.
Thank you for supporting me in this way. I I will not let things get.
"Many have known it, but nobody did anything about it." This is sure-footed conclusio his last research on various sides of those people who were admitted to secure our pensions. Now it looks more like it, that they are keen on our pensions, because once again is called openly for the murder of the infidels and the apostates. A detailed press coverage now accompanies this attempted ethnic cleansing, but the dhimmis look away, because reality does not match the match what they are getting daily drummed:
Let's start with the worst of: a call for murder (see the screenshot as a title image - click to enlarge and then click the magnifying glass) to apostates we see The truth in the heart , tied in closely with Islamically Incorrect :
- It is our opinion that whoever the admissibility of other existing religion today - other than Islam - claimed, like Judaism, Christianity and so on, is an infidel. He should be asked to repent if he does not repent, he must be killed as a murtad 3 (apostate), because it rejects the Qur'an .*
On good German: Islam means peace - and to him who does not consent, the head is cut off. Indeed there is a retraction in the footnote,
* You must have a state with an Islamic legal system
but that is such a country must have it, the following video shows titled "To all men," the brother Nils Ibrahim in Forum the page. He calls it more or less openly to fight against the infidel. Of course, it is fully consistent with the terms and conditions youtubes:
that these calls for murder does not remain unheard, as the the situation of former Muslims in Germany who took the religious freedom guaranteed to Christianity and changed. The German wave reported already on 30.11.2006 on the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR):
In Germany it is estimated by human rights organizations and churches around 6,000 converts who are of Muslim faith changed to Christianity. More than half of them, shall be presumed, are Iranians
converts in the Persian community in Cologne have had almost all first baptized in Germany. But they have prejudices and threats endured by religious fanatics. Most of them have been abused many times and must always explain how they could leave Islam. Convert Babak was threatened many times on the phone: "One has ever said to me that I had sold my faith, and therefore will go to hell But before I was to experience the evil on earth.."
When it then comes to exact figures, then, as so often no one knows and no one has heard anything. The collateral damage of a mafia-like organized society of numbers can not be detected, the Omerta an impact:
In Germany it has in spite of religious freedom killing converts given. Nevertheless, they are not tangible for prosecutors, said an employee of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) in Frankfurt: "These killings are similar to the so-called honor killings, covered up and output as domestic accidents or car accidents. How many murders of converts there knew, so no exact .
An evil Islamophobic article by a journalist or the individual cases of highly stylized? Hardly - just six months earlier reported SWR that the preachers of hate to mobilize the "Truth in the Heart" more foot soldiers, as we all want:
Ulrich Neumann and Fritz Schmaldienst report that in our midst, including in Germany, Christians are severely threatened because of their religion.
We meet a man who fears for his life. Hassan, a former Muslim from Iran. For 20 years he has lived with us. Nevertheless, he is pursued and terrorized by radical Muslims because he is a Christian.
"We were always threatened. Phone. They always books, Islamic books sent to me. And once they have called me have said, "You have three children, you have to be careful." Or the hose they have cut. Pure sugar in the tank or the car windows at all, which have been ruined with a hammer and stuff. "
on his wife was even committed a terrible disaster.
O-Ton, Ahmed *, former Muslim, now Christian,
"You have the front tires, all screws made them loose. So loose that they could be open by hand. "
" Because I am baptized, and for Muslims and radical Muslims, I am Heath. And heath in the Islamic religion is death. " So, who renounce the Muslim religion is everywhere to expect the worst. Furthermore, he knows all Pastor Winfried Kahla. For 35 years he has been pastor for Iranians who have become Christians. He speaks their language and knows how threatened they live.
because the Koran is written: "And if they turn back, then seize them and slay them wherever you find them" (Koran 4:89)
must and you do not sneak into the backyard of a mosque housing estate to the following. facts to learn. No, the facts are public, anyone who wants to see her, she can look like this Press Release of SWR about the Sharia-compliant murder right of every true believer against apostates:
confirmed the German embassy in Tehran also want to fallen Muslims severe penalties are imposed. In two letters, the REPORT MAINZ there is stated: "The Iranian regime continues to respond ... with a heavy hand on missionary activities, and apostasy from Islam." And: "The apostasy can ... ... are followed by every Muslim according to the Koran."
And what do the Muslim organization in this country? Outrage? Silence? Distance? One has explicitly to the Basic Law and allows a change of belief as the SWR continues:
we would like to know how Germany-based Muslim organizations evaluate the conversion to Christianity. Seven, we have written. Only one admits Muslims living in the right to a change of belief to. The others have answered evasively or not at all. Too bad. Religious freedom in Germany is a fundamental right.
We have deliberately chosen so old articles. For it should not have said that we would have known nothing. People say exactly what they are, they conceal almost nothing and if you do not mention, they do not deny, but at best a little push around. Simultaneously, a Geburtendschihad breaks down on us. Hassan was the name of New Year's baby in Austria, Mohammed is in many parts of Europe, already the most popular male first name for newborns.
In German soccer player in the jargon: Our friends at the Islamic Cultural enrichment Brigade To play as long as the game is still away on time. If the away-once become the home game, then we do its great and highly motivated youth department. Our only chance, we should play to our technical superiority and run it - the best free transfer home.
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed is a child molester by today's standards.
This article was published on 16.02.2009 on, which fell to the Muslim censored. But let us not shut up and post all the old posts again - against the barbarism and civilization phobia.
the massive problems of real existing Islam with any form of self-determined, intelligent life shows us today on an Afghan appeal court. This was confirmed 20 years in prison at first instance for two well-meaning true believers (see photo), who had the audacity to translate the Book of Allah in Arabic in one of the national languages. The Baltimore Examiner white Details:
The controversial text is a translation of Islam's holy book into at Afghan language without the original Arabic verses alongside. Muslims regard the Quran as Arabic words given directly by God. A translation is not considered a Quran itself, and it is believed that a mistranslation could warp God's word.
If the crimes of the warlord Mohammed no longer be announced in Arabic, Allah would be offended. By comparison, in 1521, just so half a millennium, translated Martin Luther, the Bible from Latin into German, and remained a free man
The really bad thing is that the two are still got away well, the prosecutor asked the the death penalty according to sharia
The prosecutor had asked for the death penalty for the two men _ Ahmad Ghaws Zalmai, a former spokesman for the attorney general, and Mushtaq Ahmad, a Muslim cleric who signed a letter endorsing the translation.
The judge gave the prosecutor content also fully right, as he said that the death penalty in any case would have been no extreme punishment for the two chief judge Abdul Salam
Qazizada Islamic Shariah law invoked when reading out the sentence, saying death would not have been punishment to extreme . "He who commits an act is seeking to infidel and should be killed," according to some interpretations of Shariah law, Qazizada said.
but decided - completely at the mercy door opening in accordance with Sharia law - without explanation that the punishment is retained in the first instance.
Qazizada did not explain why they did not issue a harsh verdict
Not that we particularly affected had with them. Who spread this vicious cult should not be surprised if one takes the devil. But this case is a fine example of the time in which the followers of Mohammed are: in the dark ages.
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed is a child molester by today's standards.