Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dry Rough Tongue While Sleeping


Since so many care about the cost of building a house here to a few little analysis.

So the whole project construction cost us to date was € 315,379.58 and € 264,468.85 Bugeitert with. Thus, we have spent € 50,910.73 over budget. nearly 5,000, - € will still go on it the rest according to the planning application complete.

  Category   actual costs  -Kosten soll  
Projektnebenkosten € 0.00 € 2025.21 € 2025.21
=> + € 2,025.21

Grundstück € 88,716.00 = € 88,716.00 95.16%
Grundstück (Nebenk .) € 4,515.78 = € 4,810.80 4.84% € 93,231.78
=> - € 295.02

Bodenplatte € 15,425.76 = € 15,061.00 97.31%
Bodenplatte (Nebenk .) € 427.11 = € 0.00 2.69%
€ 15,852.87 => + € 791.87

House € 131,595.14 € 107,747.00 = 72.38%
house (Nebenk.) = 5.75% € 10,456.01 € 7,412.20
House connection € 12,749.52 = 7.01% € 14,000.00 € 17,060.00
own contribution = 9.38% 0.00 €
extra costs for floor coverings € 3,305.16 € 1,538.00 = 1.82% f
costs . Wallcoverings 0.31% = € 566.05 € 465.00
extra costs for Kitchen € 6,068.99 = 3.34% 2250.00 € 181,800.87 €
=> + € 48,388.67

PV system € 22,468.85 € 22,468.85
-------------------- -------------------------------------------
€ 315,379.58 € 264,468.85
=> + € 50,910.73

The cause for exceeding the buget is due to the faulty internal activity. So in that time have been missing and / or know-how and by entrepreneurs had to be asked what the category of "own contribution" explode has had. Some have now been caused by their own performance and some business costs in the material, which has the category of "house" driven upward.

The real problem is that these lines are missing in the self-financing, ie, if you miscalculated, you have to have to find the money themselves. Therefore, I would next time to build turnkey, for so are the actual costs to calculate it much better to avoid nasty surprises.

was calculated for me the inherent power with € 37,787.00 and I have now spent for € 42,701.47, this is a minor loss of € 4,914.47. So this would there probably have been better to buy the house keys ready. Sorry, I know the price, but maybe it's better that way.

If one now compares the pure personnel costs: calculated
 own power screed 
€ 37,787.00 - € 2,737.50
Electrical Installation - € 1,638.63
gas and water installations - € 1,048.12
tool - € 2,150.46
material costs - € 7,952.72
otherwise. Craftsman costs - € 17,060.00 = € 5,199.57

This would be about , I mean that for about € 3.47 per hour (€ 5,199.57: 1500 hours) had worked. In real life I would work for this use than the phone or the PC on and off. Since the sum of individual performance in a loss of € 4914.47 is to be charged, I even per hour on site or € 3.28 would have brought. I think that I would be the best workers in the world.

interesting is what has earned the State as in our construction because of the € 315,379.58 € 136,076.57 ie 43.15% was paid to federal, state and / or community. But the tax was paid € 59,498.27

Interestingly as the house cost us about 125, - € more per month than our old apartment. But we save a total of currently around 2, - € per month, as have been greatly reduced by moving some living expenses. For that reason alone, the construction is already profitable and further potential savings are currently not yet available as they are calculated until next year.

Currently we are around 115, - € in fees per month for a family of three and here are the advantages of such a house soon becomes clear that many builders in our circle not create our energy consumption. Thus it seems clear to me that it is a good Rentenivestment.


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