Monday, May 31, 2010

Free Pinewood Derby Car Patterns

Irretation on own performance

As many astray advantage of rising costs, here are a few details.

With the tool it is such a thing, because not everyone like me has a fully equipped workshop at home. Previously had to be inexpensive tool for me, because if you move every 3 years time then it takes almost nothing. When building a house I soon realized that comes with cheap is not really far. Thus, just had to be retrofitted, the electrical equipment had some special tooling, which does not need a man. Or
honestly who needs a tile cutter or drill, laminate cutter, circular saw, jig saw, grinder, trowel, etc.

a tip I can buy cheap and empfehelen markets for small producers such as gloves, knives, gloves, etc.. For electrical products should not skimp with the price of one. I have only 3 drilling machines of the Bosch brand for over 100, - € get broken - and 2 cordless screwdriver for just € 100.

is worse for material bought in addition to what be.
here a few times to get a feel for prices to where the money goes flutes Sun So far, I had a buys for 100, - € at the hardware store a full shopping cart. When building a house I had only a small part of Obi-bucket with electrical goods for over 300, - € or had filled three times roll insulation for over 100, - € bought.
 tile bit about 7, - € per piece 
cutter about 2, - € per piece
Handschuch about 3, - € per pair
leveling floors about 28, - € per 25 kg \u0026lt;- race to the screed
Uniflott Finish about 17, - € per 5 kg \u0026lt;- Finished plaster
garbage bags 240L 5, - € 5 per piece
sealing tape about 19, - € per 5 meters \u0026lt;- sealing in moisture-proof polyurethane foam
8 , - € per bottle
plywood 2600x20mm about 38, - € per disk \u0026lt;- For clean Umkofferungen
clamping felt about 12, - € per m² \u0026lt;- Insulation
hot run of weld 5, - € per m \u0026lt;- floor panel sealing
4x est. cable TV about 0.24 € per meter
cement mortar about 5, - € per 25 kg \u0026lt;- Wall lining
insulation diameter about 15, - € per piece socket
Reflex Si 3.50 € per piece socket
m. Children. around 6.00 € per piece
cavity wall box approximately € 2.60 per share
switch 5,50 € per piece
frame 3-way approximately 4.75 € per piece
frame 2-fold about 3, 00 € per piece
satellite outlet about 19.00 € per piece

In sum, it is assumed that it provides self-service itself and this can not be financed. This one gets a problem when one deviates from that plan now and personal contributions awarded to craftsmen. These costs have to muster up themselves what usually leads to an ex post financing.

If one calculates an offer on the website of ProHaus page must be something watch out, because today I would 134er for 102 540, - € to get in my zip code. To do this, but then add the base plate are calculated. Also, the additional price for the top variant, 700 liters of memory, etc. which leads to a total of € 127,061.00. Addition, there is the plot, which is usually also still have it now and this was reflected in our book with € 93,231.78. € 22,468.85 and the Photovoltaikanalge with what the interim result of 242,761.63 € leads. Now even the charges and classified as a personal contribution to costs, then you are the fastest are in the € 315,379.58 that has accrued to date.

now but you should let no one bring calm and with a few little things to get there in my opinion well by their own construction.
  • The inherent power should be judged by both sides better.
    I think heating and plumbing should be done from ProHaus subcontractors and for the other things you should have 1-2 helpers, which then execute each task.
  • The financial report should include larger buffer. Had I done what I wanted to Financial Services had, there would have been no problem at this point.
Well we got the house, and are not ruined, should therefore by no one can bring calm. ;-)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dry Rough Tongue While Sleeping


Since so many care about the cost of building a house here to a few little analysis.

So the whole project construction cost us to date was € 315,379.58 and € 264,468.85 Bugeitert with. Thus, we have spent € 50,910.73 over budget. nearly 5,000, - € will still go on it the rest according to the planning application complete.

  Category   actual costs  -Kosten soll  
Projektnebenkosten € 0.00 € 2025.21 € 2025.21
=> + € 2,025.21

Grundstück € 88,716.00 = € 88,716.00 95.16%
Grundstück (Nebenk .) € 4,515.78 = € 4,810.80 4.84% € 93,231.78
=> - € 295.02

Bodenplatte € 15,425.76 = € 15,061.00 97.31%
Bodenplatte (Nebenk .) € 427.11 = € 0.00 2.69%
€ 15,852.87 => + € 791.87

House € 131,595.14 € 107,747.00 = 72.38%
house (Nebenk.) = 5.75% € 10,456.01 € 7,412.20
House connection € 12,749.52 = 7.01% € 14,000.00 € 17,060.00
own contribution = 9.38% 0.00 €
extra costs for floor coverings € 3,305.16 € 1,538.00 = 1.82% f
costs . Wallcoverings 0.31% = € 566.05 € 465.00
extra costs for Kitchen € 6,068.99 = 3.34% 2250.00 € 181,800.87 €
=> + € 48,388.67

PV system € 22,468.85 € 22,468.85
-------------------- -------------------------------------------
€ 315,379.58 € 264,468.85
=> + € 50,910.73

The cause for exceeding the buget is due to the faulty internal activity. So in that time have been missing and / or know-how and by entrepreneurs had to be asked what the category of "own contribution" explode has had. Some have now been caused by their own performance and some business costs in the material, which has the category of "house" driven upward.

The real problem is that these lines are missing in the self-financing, ie, if you miscalculated, you have to have to find the money themselves. Therefore, I would next time to build turnkey, for so are the actual costs to calculate it much better to avoid nasty surprises.

was calculated for me the inherent power with € 37,787.00 and I have now spent for € 42,701.47, this is a minor loss of € 4,914.47. So this would there probably have been better to buy the house keys ready. Sorry, I know the price, but maybe it's better that way.

If one now compares the pure personnel costs: calculated
 own power screed 
€ 37,787.00 - € 2,737.50
Electrical Installation - € 1,638.63
gas and water installations - € 1,048.12
tool - € 2,150.46
material costs - € 7,952.72
otherwise. Craftsman costs - € 17,060.00 = € 5,199.57

This would be about , I mean that for about € 3.47 per hour (€ 5,199.57: 1500 hours) had worked. In real life I would work for this use than the phone or the PC on and off. Since the sum of individual performance in a loss of € 4914.47 is to be charged, I even per hour on site or € 3.28 would have brought. I think that I would be the best workers in the world.

interesting is what has earned the State as in our construction because of the € 315,379.58 € 136,076.57 ie 43.15% was paid to federal, state and / or community. But the tax was paid € 59,498.27

Interestingly as the house cost us about 125, - € more per month than our old apartment. But we save a total of currently around 2, - € per month, as have been greatly reduced by moving some living expenses. For that reason alone, the construction is already profitable and further potential savings are currently not yet available as they are calculated until next year.

Currently we are around 115, - € in fees per month for a family of three and here are the advantages of such a house soon becomes clear that many builders in our circle not create our energy consumption. Thus it seems clear to me that it is a good Rentenivestment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best Gay Haunts In Scotland

tile tile on the wall ... The 3rd

Currently, it is interesting to come every evening from work to home and the bathroom, which is considered quite well developed. I think the 3rd Experiment will work and the tiler magic in a very short time towards a result that we can live with.

Today we had to find out how picky we are currently with the tiling. Pretty much every tile and Fugue is considered. I think we're there now extremely sensitive. It looks like the bathroom will probably be completely finished by mid next week.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Change Cross Country Ski Bindings


Now once again tries to someone in our bathroom. This time we have

and after the first two failed attempts for a local tiler decided about 10 months costs me save iron and has now started to rework some of the first tile.
I was at first do not really married to the bathroom to avoid yet to see a mistake, but the first impression looks ever better, than what I've seen so far.

At first glance it looks of course, everything still terrible, but the approach can be seen already what the artist wants to express. To facilitate the tile work, we also have the bath along with the redesigned Umkofferung what is now more of the original plan ProHaus equivalent. Also, I've now gotten used to the new location of the tub and find it more convenient than my old idea.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Long Is Ativan Detected In Urine


Now to the rest of the candidates will make even more ready and to forget nothing we have now created an open items list. So now everything is finally finished and the curtains are finally hung up.

is not so much anymore, but are about 80 hours, it probably will not.
But one thing is certain, from 11 June, I have no first time.

;-) Not that only mesh with football, no fired the grill must also and slowly, one should keep quiet Setting the time on a well deserved holiday.

Menopause And Achy Legs


are now also offers the outdoor unit arrived and here are probably another 13,000, - €. To save money, we rented a backhoe with which I would like to distribute the 130 cubic meters of earth on the property.

have the first application of a Frankfurt divisions and a wheelbarrow shown us how uneven the ground is currently in force and what it costs to make everything by hand. Therefore, we are the 200, - € invest for the dredging and if all goes as planned we then about 2,700 - Save €.

have reasons of cost, we are after much back and forth decided on a carport with storeroom, which want to build myself. A finished garage with 8.5 m is approximately 12,000, - € and plastered on walls themselves would fail, since we use do not come fully to all sides.
Prices for a carport are not really better get here quickly and 4.500, - € to together what led up to the fact that we get the wood suburb. So we can also install various other extras that cost money unnecessarily. By creating the carport also equal to the construction of the pergola is planned.

Even with the tank we are pondering on whether it now to be a plastic part or a homemade tank. In this network there are great instructions described.

Rikers Island Visting Shedule

is Slowly it ...

Although the facade is still not plaster, but the pool is already built and the nice weather can be enjoyed.

But next Monday, the pool back away, because I rented a backhoe and would pardon the site. The first months were tough at home and relaxing all the benefits we were able to enjoy already.

Interestingly, the house cost us about 125, - € more per month than our old apartment. But we save a total of currently about 2, - € per month, as have been greatly reduced by moving some living expenses. By the by, it is a zero sum game with more living space. Currently we are
at about 120, - € in fees per month for a family of three in the house what we have to thank the photovoltaic system and the current 36% heating.
So you can also endure such an unpleasant May

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Easiest Praline Recipe

Review: 26 to 32 Weeks

Why are we only now was to report back to the many crowds, because we have had in recent weeks.

After the drawing was really out of breath and I was sick for several weeks and still after 2 months I have problems and do not come to rest.

This is also the fact that we had to tear out the bathroom completely, as internal power went neatly into his trousers. Thus, there were new material the same again about 1000, - € due. Now that we again wanted to save money and still not prepared a tile to get involved, the second attempt at the bathroom and has failed. Fortunately this was not fitting for 40, - € flutes.

Now we are ready for a tile bargain 2.500, - € to take that will start tomorrow with his job. My recommendation is the lack of clear to certain internal activities and the trend towards more turnkey house. In any case, we are now well take it all apart again and again to room for a piece of sage.

Friday, May 7, 2010

łukasz Piwowar Knurów

No power exclusion under § 7 paragraph 1 SGB II in application of the European Welfare Agreement

It is often disputed whether EU citizens have a right to Hartz IV benefits under SGB II. As signed, many EU member countries and the European Social Security agreement (EuFürsAbk or EFA), must be constantly reviewed and, if this the case - that is the question of whether an exclusion of benefits is for employable citizens for a stay to look for work - is applicable. This question has not been answered in the case law uniformly and is to be decided by the Federal Social Court in the pending appeal proceedings. The SG

Berlin (26 chamber) has decided in a ruling dated 25/03/2010, that an exclusion of benefits for working age Union citizens to stay to look for work in accordance with § 7 Abs 1 S 2, No 2 SGB 2 shall not apply to nationals of a Contracting State to the European welfare agreement.

SG Berlin, Judgement of 25.03.2010, Az S 26 AS 8114/08

Joachim Genge
lawyer specializing in labor law