Monday, May 4, 2009

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We are back

On 28 February this year, we were confronted with the reality in a startling way: In the Europe of the 21st Century, it is dangerous to express a dissenting opinion and unpleasant facts. that day was the target of a "hacker attack" - so at least the statement of our hosting company. Unfortunately was reviewed by the hackers struck shortly after the annual fee has been paid for the hosting company. And unfortunately, this "hacker attack" so severe that the company mediaone / karaboga had to leave so many staff but not warded off the attack and was instrumental in us, but so immense is the price that the Jahreshostingebühr was used for this. We would have even ten times as expensive to rent server, since then, that such exceptional cases not charged extra. That mediaone not karaboga /, whose staff was so so busy so hard to focus on the "hacker attack" this out, but we at karaboga / mediaone inquired what was going on, is even more of a side note.

And unfortunately, it was no longer possible to transfer the domain to another host. Although we buy them anonymously could, we would have the company karaboga mediaone / disclose our full identity during transfer must. Since we do not live on welfare, with family, it seemed too high a price. This is not, about who or what we are, but about what happened in the world today. If we
us choose the best technology, but we were always at karaboga / mediaone again welcome.

So what stupid as well. This also has nothing to do with safe, that is left in various forums open discussion about hosting companies and share of political opponents by means of moral club under pressure. And certainly it is coincidence that as we are in lately some other has been given, which did not write quite as sympathetic to the religion of peace. Some, particularly the larger and better known, have paid, while others have stopped, a few have become quieter.

is ultimately all that matter. What matters is that fact that we still live in freedom - even if Mohammed is already the most common name for male newborns in many parts of Europe. And because we want to remain free, we do after a long reflection on. Also, because we leaked photos from Innsbruck got - there was Maiaufmarsch converted on Friday to Islamisierungsdemo.

We have noticed that we have pierced with our investigation into the websites of various Muslim organizations in a hornet's nest. Various Drohmails, but also many new readers were the reward for it. We also see that closing off these pages now more and more: What was publicly available in January, is now hidden with registration and password.

we will be very busy over here to play all the old files in the next few days, until then some left still having difficulties, and the layout will not be special. Nevertheless, we will try to get even some news on what the representatives of the religion of peace among themselves and discuss Sun . Leave

Gert Wilders is right: "Freedom must prevail and freedom will prevail."

footed & Svejk


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