One wonders at the latest when arrive in the wake of raids against "radical Islamists" whole arsenals , drug labs or hate printers in mosques into the public spotlight, whether these so-called houses of worship may but serve other than spiritual purposes.
The answer can be our Muslim friends from the "Truth in the Heart" (gooders would say "racially discriminatory") identified using the example of Mecca (see image above) very plausibly explain What are these sites the Muslims (to be click photo below) :
inside That there may, of course, not everyone is in the nature of things. At least it was not an evil infidel, who has compared Islam with a military unit ...
The news in recent days are more easily understood. Sharp tongues as the mirror call things but by name: training camps for terrorists. (see screenshot below)
the occasion of the raided the mosque in a free man in March 2009 (see screenshot below)
writes a reader named Karl Kees a comment about his experiences with the Imam:
I've been 3 years in Christian-Islamic Round Table. The Ditib Imam literally said that he had collected in the Yugoslav war of course money for weapons . And we are the last 60 years the wool pulled over their eyes how great this multi-ethnic state working. Everyone who sees a closer look, it also is only a certain group of people there.
A few links to the religious campaign against the Christian host, wants to see no one but himself from the mass media can no longer be ignored: / 2004/terrorplanung_im_gotteshaus.html
http://www ~ ~ E511A4C749F34406FA368113692AB478E ATpl ~ ~ Ecommon Scontent.html
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.
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