"High-tech: One has to read and write already and can"
Something is mighty wrong in Germany's educational system: leveling down, elite incitement, Migrantenbevorzugung, Abitur in Turkish only a fraction of the symptoms, the erosion of an education system that once gave birth to the spiritual foundation for the economic miracle, mark.
That elites are no longer required, most politicians say more or less openly for years, but that the educational standard dilution massive immigration - and that especially unskilled Muslims - preferably, nobody dares to say this so-called people's representatives. Meanwhile, we can daily be held Stuergeldvernichtung on behalf of the education document - far beyond the glossy brochures and party headquarters interest groups, implementing organizations of the parties, trade unions and others do the dirty work of the deterioration of Germany on the system. True to the motto "If our immigrants are too stupid for the system, then we must not choose other immigrants, but to adapt the system to them."
Svejk formulated from what footed collected over laboriously most detailed work:
The basic problem shortage of skilled workers despite the economic crisis while horrendous youth unemployment among immigrants, the German wave brings in a
report the integration Atlas of the German Trade unintentionally funny to the point:
craft but today was also "high-tech: So you have already read and write and".
reads in numbers, this state of affairs in a post
Ursula Boos-Nünning, University Professor of Education (!!!!), migration from 2006 would be for the page
OWL Interkulturell.de (alone this side a own contribution value), amazingly clear
was the training rate - as the report of the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (2005) read - in 2003 at 27% (2002: 28%, compared to German: 64%). This represents a significant step back: In 1994, the training rate reached 44% (German: 70%) all time highs.
The foreigners specific unemployment rate (currently 20%) has for years been about twice as high as the general unemployment rate with a number of long-term unemployment of about one-third. Lack of professional training increases in addition to the risk of unemployment, the risk of poverty and impedes the social integration of immigrants and their children and grandchildren.
This finding should not be studied migration education, a few months practice in the private sector should ensure that your successor. Who has not had the experience with the friendly porter or washing-Mustafa Ali, who does not understand even the German question about his name. But what is the reason for this lack of qualification? All discrimination, or what?
Not quite: Walter Heitmann, up close as president of the Chamber of Hanover to the action, calls us
reasons that are out of the ivory tower of migration education difficult to see:
However, unfortunately we also find that the proportion of foreign trainees in craft for years has declined. The rate in the district of the Chamber of Hannover currently stands at 5.2 percent.
This has nothing, absolutely nothing to do cope with a change of attitude among the craftsmen and women.
The cause lies in the fact that fewer and fewer school-leavers from immigrant backgrounds are ripe for an education when they leave school. Often lacking basic skills like reading and writing, and arithmetic, and social skills. Virtues such as punctuality, courtesy, teamwork skills are not or only very rudimentary.
A powerful anti-Stuffed Education with feel-good factor is to focus à la 68 in NRW by
following incentives the integration resistant Rütli borate, which did not even make to salute properly fit for the demands of a modern world:
erhieten On their way to school they have a PC with Internet access, 100 per month € training allowance as well as free counseling and educational seminars.
For the 148 participants reported each year makes the € 177,600 - money for education (at 12maliger payment), plus € 35 520, - for the annual Internet costs (€ 20, - per month per PC) plus € plus one-off costs of € 74,000 , - for the Internet PC (at € 500, - per PC). Power per year € 287,120, - only in NRW and without the cost of "free Counseling and educational seminars "(job creation for people who have become, despite all warnings of unemployment teachers or social workers)
And what gets the tax payer for this START Program First
noble goals.?
START wants an increase of higher educational attainment by immigrant children to reach and thus to build a young immigrant elite in Germany contribute
But even with the requirements of these "elites" that we notice how the wind is blowing. The students from the on in the
PISA tests 2nd place medal winner and 4 states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg not allowed to participate
you have in one of 14 START-B undesländer go to school (all except Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg).
and the required GPA is not even defined and means euphemischer camouflage ("good to very good") kept as low as possible.
Your academic performance should be good to very good (grade point average of about 2.5 and better).
good to very good? Would not that be a grade point average from 1.3 to 1.5? Do not forget: 2.5 means three, or have you ever seen a 2.5 in the witness stand?
students from the indigenous population is of course undesirable, they could even the average grade stuffy elitist press-up.
sum up, a bunch of thrown out tax money to a few unemployed social workers and teachers to provide jobs and, at best, average students to allow the downloading of ringtones. And with all inländerdiskriminierendem background. More about this later.
The Ausländerbevorzugung and there, especially those for "migrants from non-EU countries without a German passport", which is almost exclusively Turks and Arabs always drives bizarre flowers: After the swimming lessons for Muslim girls using
sample letters de facto has died is now the campaign against the German language release. In many high schools of Germany, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, Turkish is already on the curriculum - not (yet) as a foreign language, but usually as a credit course, which has the great advantage that the students may call the notes of this "advanced course" to the Abitur, which of course, has positive effects on the average grade. What used to be essential for the high school, happened to have the command of the German language in written and starts, now slow to crumble.
And yet is swinging the Diskrimnierungskeule, such as
here to qantara.de , a portal "for dialogue with the Islamic world":
The school has so far only slightly adjusted to the change in German everyday reality, which includes a life together with migrants, and is primarily focused monocultural .
Both the curricula and teaching methods take little regard for the situation and the needs of immigrants whose families sometimes live for over 40 years in Germany and form a weighty part of the local society. In order to justify
the bad position of migrant children in the German school life, is still the culture and religion of migrants used as an explanatory basis without discriminating structures in schools themselves to question.
The disadvantaged position of young immigrants in school and work can now not only to their poor German language skills back.
I n the focus of attention should also connect the German training institutions, which still find it difficult to accept migrant youths . Even in these states that summit were barely mentioned, as is the fact that even those immigrants who have a qualifying degree, all too often left without a training or employment.
equal opportunities and equal treatment in education and training, labor market and employment, always requires a state action.
Such governmental functions can not be perceived by prophylactic expressions of good will. Equality of opportunity does not develop by itself, it needs concrete legal and policy framework by the State to attain and maintain such equality can be.
What is even more evident at START, namely the conscious preference of non-German students is blurred to an opaque veil in the light of representations by the media. The
Hamburger Abendblatt reported on 4 July 2007 about the alternatives for secondary school leavers without an apprenticeship. Not a word is mentioned, it is this is a very specific target group for which the myriad programs are (of course with pay) being considered. invest their own money in education was yesterday:
Pre-vocational training (BVB)
Addressed to: Graduates that are to be fit for training. Duration: ten months, starting each at 1 September. Number of seats: 1100 Process: The BVB is in three modules divided. It first tries to identify tests with the kind of profession qualification for the young people coming. At the elementary (duration up to six months), participants are prepared for independent institutions such as education or youth Grone Hamburg with theoretical and practical instruction in their professional field. Here are mediated internships. Remuneration: 192 € plus travel expenses. goal: a realistic chance of an apprenticeship. transition rate in education: 40 percent.
who believed that START has already cost a lot of money to go here at the official figures
Federal Ministry for Education and Research little eyes on
The financial costs of participation in pre-vocational training in total amounted to 551 million €, of which 389 million € for course costs and € 162 million for vocational training allowance of the participants. In 2000, spending a total of 492 million €, of which € 355 million for course costs and € 137 million for vocational training allowance. to protect
To Young Turks against the racist Islamophobic German philistine teachers and related discrimination case, floats to the Berlin Commissioner for Integration Günter Piening (yes, this is the man of the study that says that only
23% of Berlin's Turkish work so well hidden) a little
very special before, as the German - Turkish media agency
€ Press reported jubilantly (we also note the article on the anniversary of the house fire in Ludwigshafen in the linked post):
Immigration society must be reflected in the staff room, so Piening
PIENING vision is to be implemented shortly. Hamburg is already taught in 15 schools
Turkish, as the screenshot below proves (All other screenshots on this subject are
published here):
expressed quite so clearly are not many institutions that have received Zuwandererbevorzugung prescribed. The revolution of the anti-discrimination legislation threatens to eat their followers, so put an unholy Hamburger alliance of Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburger Sparkasse, Bogdol GmbH, a German Affinerie AG and DaimlerChrysler AG
stresses Carefully ,:
In information materials for candidates to a training place is found, the interest in the application of adolescents with immigrant background.
loud Law is prohibited
The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) - commonly known as Anti-Discrimination Act - is a German federal law that discrimination on grounds of " race " the ethnic origin, sex that will prevent or eliminate religion belief, a disability , the age or sexual identity and . To achieve this goal will receive the protected persons by the law and private law claims against employers if they against them violate the law bans discrimination .
The world reaffirms the unique notion of reverse discrimination and names the
size the politically prescribed Ausländerbevorzugung:
A year ago, Mayor Ole von Beust in the guesthouse of the Senate on the Alster, an alliance of entrepreneurs, chambers, associations forged trade unions and the employment agency to create within two years 1,000 new training places for young people with foreign background . "This goal has been for a Year reached, "said von Beust on Thursday in the same place in an accounting statement and announced:". In a great effort, we want next year again 1000 young migrants in work and education give "Last year it was possible to occupy additional 550 training places and jobs in the company of young migrants . 460 young immigrants have found in addition to programs supported by the Senate, the employment agency and an apprenticeship team.arbeit.hamburg
VW also makes diligently with the Entdeutschifizierung Germany, it still dares not to publish, his actions on its own website and has the dirty work
outsourced :
With his 2005 launched ethnic marketing project "Volkswagen speaks Turkish" raises Europe's largest car manufacturer good relations with the Turkish population to a new qualitative level. qualify, the company Volkswagen, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and SEAT this German Turkish sales and service consultants, their countrymen may raise as customers in the dealerships particularly well. "The project is a sign of our special appreciation for the Turkish customers and their culture," says Wittig.
This only
§ 1 the General Equal Treatment Act the objectives of this legal instrument:
goal of the law, discrimination on grounds of race or ethnic origin , sex, religion or belief, disability, age or to prevent or eliminate sexual identity.
In and of itself would be the clear and unambiguous text of the law were it not for the last two words "eliminate". This is as good as any group of people, which is somewhere under-represented, squeeze. No matter whether women in football clubs, the men's hairdressing or Muslims in schools.
And so it is hardly surprising that the protection of this misappropriated (or at least deliberately constructed?) Rubber paragraphs one
flourishing foreign consulting industry buzz about the bulging state meat pots of the German-discrimination (see title screenshot and screen shots below).
The deeper you dig, the less you find and if you find something, then you would do well to secure it immediately. SPD, Greens and Left quite frankly proclaim their monocultural caliphate fantasies after a certain rule: the higher the position of the politician, the lower the information already chat. A district party secretary will speak relatively openly what a minister will say never. On the part of the CDU is generally less stated but no less traded. However, we were able to secure one of the rare clues to the CDU, the integration plan
Baden-Württemberg . Already in the preface to the readers scattered Prime Minister Oettinger sand in the eyes of the integration plan in 2008 relies on Italian immigrants from the 60's. As if these people even have anything to do with the problems of today:
The picture went around the world. On 10 September 1964 was Amando de Sa
Rodrigues from Portugal as a millionth "guest worker" given a moped. Nine years earlier, on 20 December 1955, the first recruitment agreement between Germany and Italy was signed.
a rare moment of open language, we find on page 81 of this integration plan. By "culturally sensitive care for the elderly," we can read it but not about the Italians and Portuguese:
So it is for example for older migrants, members of the Islamic faith, not often imagine supplied by a caregiver opposite sex be. But the structures are in total so far focused too little on the specific needs of old people with an immigrant background.
And therefore work the so-called representatives of the people already like the fact that Kulturbereicherern feel comfortable without knowing the language to death in this country extremely. The nurses should learn Turkish and Arabic, Burkapflicht care for female persona is probably only a matter of time:
The Council of Ministers on 3 August 2004 decided to "seek to ensure that training and testing systems designed in the idea of an intercultural opening-promoting way."
It may also be useful to publish information brochures
social services in different languages. That
this language is not English and French, is obvious.
back to the left side of the political spectrum: A little less than two months ago when we first dealt with this issue, sure-footed met with an environmental initiative by Minister Sigmar Gabriel, or ran out one level below. So exactly can we say no longer because now all official sites were deleted. Here to the original sound sure-footed in the internal mail traffic:
And although Turkish, unemployed immigrant women were recruited to campaign for its neighbors for energy-saving lamps. The work in cooperation with the agencies and using the force taken Funds from the unemployment of course. (Still not as this, but it is logical!). The women were kurzgeschult and the training was paid for them. Subsequently, these women were given or received as sowiesobeauftragte .... (some special name they have come up) a good monthly coal. In addition, a network of attorneys and other consumer organizations created to any problem cases continue to serve, and as an express reference in this program because it was in this context also to leases, health, rent reduction in mold (transition here, energy saving, energy saving windows and ventilation) . The Turkish women obtained in this way not only a well-paid job with no verifiable labor input, but in the context of their Kaffepläuschchen they can make the neighborhood love to point out how they use the co-organized lawyers can rip off their landlords. I think that a frequent mold growth in the Turkish environment around the energy advice was recorded. Stupid as it gets. And - it is a wonder - by now the trail goes to nothing! Everything taken from the network. Traces blurs! Never mind: for the Turkish women, everything remains the same. The publication, it has not advertised, but included the employment office or the migrant organizations, word-of-mouth advertising. What is to enable the German tax payers know!
After further research, we were indeed in the mail addressed traffic incident not identify, but there was something similar for the years 2004/2005 in the hands: the
final report of the project "Climate protection of migrants for migrants".
While there, the crucial sentences are klausuliert strict, but our trained eyes could still see a lot. Ökofaschismus integration meets resistance and an alliance for the common goal: more tax money. A few excerpts: should
By including local opinion leaders and informal communication channels a social and create an inclusive process for the adoption of environmentally responsible attitudes and practices. The key test of the communication work was the respect of different cultural backgrounds in the target groups. The project goal climate was thus linked to the promotion of intercultural understanding and dialogue .
Local opinion leaders and informal communication channels = no outsider will get wind of it.
different cultural backgrounds = quid licet Moslemi non licet Bovi
The project objective has been linked by climate change with the promotion of intercultural understanding and dialogue = Full-time environmentalists and integrators to make high interest now common cause
also the following:
also won the project and trained consultants assessed the project in a final survey consistently positive.
Who are the new-found good consultants? Certainly the number of Italian guest workers. And clearly that is a positive assessment, there were also tax money.
Germany, quo vadis?
Moreover, we believe that Mohammed was a child molester by today's standards.