Thursday, March 3, 2011

Using Amlactin On The Face


I recently Stéphane Hessel s you Outraged! read. The really outrageous in this small booklet is for me personally is that it took me a little, not even very stringent argumentative essay of a man beyond the ninety to me once again to keep in mind how many things I am usually completely idly and at ease - even from a supposedly ironic broken, all right, we just resigned schulterzuckendem Scheinpragmatismus perhaps - even emotionless daily sum payment. Things of which it is, they did not change. Because man is now time, as he is. Or because the circumstances is not easy. Or just because someone has to get up to bake the bread. Or because we would otherwise not know exactly where we went. Or because you say some things still may be. Or just do not because each of us can be an astronaut or a princess. Or because life is not a piece of cake still a pony is a request program yet.

Or maybe, just maybe, because we are all decorated in soothing our self-deceptions as well - the one-colored plush, the other a cozy and comfortable, the next supposedly only temporary until sometime what better place. Not a very nice feeling



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