Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moh Previous Question Papers muslim-and-ahlu against civilization standards

Muslim-Markt Scharia

Whenever the Sharia provides anywhere in the world for massive violations of human rights, collected there is silence in the German press. This time reported For once, a German newspaper, it is the Tagesanzeiger Islamophobic from the racist Switzerland:

Iranians to death for adultery
stoned for adultery is a man in northern Iran was stoned to death. The execution was a court spokesman said in March in the city of Rasht on the Caspian Sea instead.

The newspaper even dare to call things by their name - something that would apply in Germany and Austria, as the Islamic propaganda:

Islamic law provides for the death penalty for adultery by stoning. In the first years after the Iranian revolution of 1979 were stoning of the day.

The important German Internet portal for Muslims, the Muslim-run by Özoguz , will go close, that the stoning is a modern version of Islamic law. Which is also operated by Özoguz Encyclopedia of Islam ( ) mocked here (see title screenshot) But thousands of victims of the current Iranian regime's wrong with an underestimation of the Sharia:

The classification of the actions of the five Islamic Rating or ranking between the allowed and forbidden acts is also part of the Sharia.

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic Iran was trying to sharia in the context of current needs time to implement.

But here is the Muslim market is not alone. In a large German-speaking Muslim portal called permission of Sharia law and the stoning in a separate thread is dealt with, as usual, a little controversial. A religious brother, Hamza writes Islamic compliant against all civilization standards:

This is, however, an Islamic site and for a Muslim criticism comes to the laws of Allah (such as stoning) is not in question, for someone of something loathed which the Messenger of Allah was committing Kufr (disbelief) and by consensus of all Muslims comes from the religion, whether he likes it or not.
"This (is) because they hate what Allah has sent down. So powerful it their deeds be lost" [47:9]

Moderator Tariq rebukes a user who had apparently dared to break out of the general and zivilisationsphobischen grundgesetzverletzendem consensus on Sharia:

Dear brother, we have discussed with you and You provided all the necessary evidence, but you did not accept it, is therefore of the classification is justified because the evidence against you was provided. Who Hudud Allah as the stoning of adulterers and rejects the execution of apostates, although there is consensus in these matters among the scholars, who is undoubtedly one of the people of innovation and the cravings.

And the faith brother Mert skin in the same breach:

brother Kilic Aslan, if you really reject the sharia, has written what his brother there, then I say just pass on the can lead to Kufur.

If you do not even think a law of Allah only, one is out side in Islam faster than you think.

Wa Aleykumselam

Allah himself says in the Qur'an, who steals the severed hand, who do that and stoned. How can you not accept something ?????????? Do you have a better Akhi Quran? Subanallah. How I so hate people, even if it in the Qur'an, they are blind and deaf and mute.


Bright prospects for Germany.


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