Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Furry Yiff Games Online

WikiLeaks, the Stasi and unleashed technology

Perhaps one should not expect too much from a politician, the old man in a Catholic fraternity with the slogan "Fair and perseverance is. However, should the Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich , in his capacity of the CSU party chairman CDU / CSU parliamentary group, not protect that much spread comparisons to which it can be carried away from eager journalists, simply accepts.

Dr. Friedrich called WikiLeaks recently as "a kind of secret police." We remember: the Ministry of State Security served in East Germany to keep informed, inter alia, the state leadership about the machinations of dissidents and enemies of the real existing socialism . It made use of various resources, the Stasi, that the label "paranoid excesses of a repressive regime that oppressed its own subjects with pathological Meets distrust "are described not nearly critical enough. How has something to do with an Internet platform, the people, the unethical behavior of their government or their company to make anonymous a wider audience want, opened just such a possibility? No idea. As one would have to dig deeper, perhaps Dr. Frederick himself in more detail.

can be quite general in the reactions to the activities of WikiLeaks by the rulers of this world see very well how powerless and helpless, they consider such activities. This powerlessness and helplessness is a pretty good example of as the social (and particularly the socio-political) development of technological development is lagging behind at present. Modern telecommunications allow the rapid dissemination of data - not forgetting the so-called sensitive data. To come to the Stasi return: If there had been the Internet in its present form in GDR times, also had a single "traitors" from the ranks of the Stasi is enough to make their machinations to relatively well publicized. And in turn, is in itself not unpleasant thought ...

Why the liberating potential of unfettered technology is now calculated by persons in positions of political leadership than to be feared Means of repression and surveillance is being labeled? Shame upon him who thinks evil of it.


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