Friday, March 28, 2008

Herpes On The Pubic Area

legal aid for Hartz IV

Tips for Hartz IV recipients:

Many Hartz IV - Beneficiaries are afraid of the way to the courts, because it is the cost of a Lawyer fear. This risk exists but not if the applicant for legal aid is granted. In this case, does the state treasury the remuneration of the lawyer.

is rejected If your opposition to Hartz IV decision of your local job centers , you have to audition within the limitation period of one month from receipt of the appeal decision in the legal department of your local Social Court and there against the original decision and related appeal decision to institute proceedings. At the same time you are applying for legal aid and designate a lawyer of their choice. You must the relevant application form and fill out the appropriate documents, such as Hartz IV-submit your notice. Unless the Court having considered your performance acts come to the conclusion that your action is likely to succeed, it is officers from among the appointed attorney from you. In this case, does the state treasury to pay the lawyer. To avoid as Hartz IV recipients the cost risk of a lawyer and are best represented before the social court. I will be happy to this disposal.

RA Jens Christian Goke, LL.M.


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