Thursday, March 3, 2011

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I recently Stéphane Hessel s you Outraged! read. The really outrageous in this small booklet is for me personally is that it took me a little, not even very stringent argumentative essay of a man beyond the ninety to me once again to keep in mind how many things I am usually completely idly and at ease - even from a supposedly ironic broken, all right, we just resigned schulterzuckendem Scheinpragmatismus perhaps - even emotionless daily sum payment. Things of which it is, they did not change. Because man is now time, as he is. Or because the circumstances is not easy. Or just because someone has to get up to bake the bread. Or because we would otherwise not know exactly where we went. Or because you say some things still may be. Or just do not because each of us can be an astronaut or a princess. Or because life is not a piece of cake still a pony is a request program yet.

Or maybe, just maybe, because we are all decorated in soothing our self-deceptions as well - the one-colored plush, the other a cozy and comfortable, the next supposedly only temporary until sometime what better place. Not a very nice feeling


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Guttenberg - and now?

Well, I have long quarreled with me if I say something about our defense or not. Actually, I preferred to remain silent, but then I received a mail from Taiwan, who is a friend, there was surprise that I keep my door.

Very well, then I will but a handful of observations going on:

before - and I mean recent - to Guttenberg excitement I have often wondered, where is related to its advocates so. I took the view, found in my circle do not - and in some cases was quite wrong. That was my first disappointment. My second

is that a nominally conservative Chancellor, introduced a peculiar split between two areas of life, that between scientific and political work, or even more, a boundary between work (Defense) and private life (dissertation), moved in this manner then quite difficult to be drawn.

It is drawn in particular are so difficult, because the political work of many people (not least just to the Chancellor and the Minister of Defence) very dramatically on the private lives of other effects (the abolition of conscription, but also the sending of soldiers depressed areas are examples of this). Moreover, it seems at least questionable, just like this must be considered that are completely independent of political work in the decisions made by personal beliefs and character of the decision makers or even be based on nothing but sober reason. They simply do not usually. Politicians are no better or worse people. They are bred not in secret underground farms and released after the attainment of a corresponding maturity on an unsuspecting population.

What Guttenberg unquestionably the case making it interesting is that it causes for all involved violent emotions. Why? Probably because no other (federal Republican) politicians Guttenberg has directed his work and creative subconscious use of the mass media as one event after another, and a dramatic climax after another, knowingly (if not intentionally).

who now claims it would only now publicly criticizing Guttenberg's behavior to be practiced, so that ultimately proves only that he had either a deaf ear to the earlier criticism that he or she - has not taken note of - for whatever reason . Guttenberg is already since the financial crisis again in the criticism (in more detail since the former discussion of how and whether the state could Opel back on its feet).

A little side note: Even the action, Guttenberg would be the first politician whose doctoral thesis examination by the public would have to withstand reflects only the fact that the plaintiff would otherwise appear only in limited deals with political events of the day - our current Minister for Family Affairs had not, for example, not too long ago just a little malice for her dissertation plug.

No, ultimately, for those who presented themselves as publicly as Guttenberg did it, does not have to wonder, also offers lots of attack surface. Now there are even any form of chaste nudity, and unlike most nudist beach does not, unfortunately, the rule "Who's . Bothers you want but look the other simply "The horror, can tackle the one hand, if the events can be the last few weeks pass in review, feeds also on - over here as over there across the political spectrum - that Guttenberg was reckless or naive enough to leave all shells fall, although he himself would most need to know that during his striptease not only the beautiful will be defoliated.

One may find disturbing or not to have a plagiarist sit on the chair of Defence. At a reckless or naive defense minister, however, it is worthwhile to respond with due skepticism.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Little Sisters Wedige

Merkel fashion

Angela Merkel (former FDJ / SED, now CDU) has made it: She has set a fashion trend.

are talking about their jackets and / or pants suits, which they presented themselves for years. These are characterized by unusual substances (I like that look as velvety, personal best, because they hear the cuddle factor heavily), and yet admittedly flashy buttons from: Most are three buttons is of considerable diameter. Overall, they evoke associations with harlequin costumes and circus director uniforms (matching the remaining dignity of the rest of Frau Merkel clad Office).

More recently, now it is primarily television presenters, news announcers and related species, which appeared to be confused by Channel stylists persuaded or forced to wear similar jacket / pant suits (if they are not even formally into beaten into them).

This in turn bodes well for the future: If the currently popular blue bloods of the Republic of (baptisms equator, open box, post office and Russian roulette in the camp or not) should ever take Merkel's succession, threatening the return of Gelfrisur. Who wants to ask, please Mr. Jauch, Mr. Kerner and Mr. Beckmann before under this premise. This is despite the fact it would be only fair that people by nature rather slimy again there was a tendency to send their fellow man on their first appearance warning signals for distance preservation. Mr. Nonnenmacher's going to set a good example ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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man, Niki, and enticing you ...

The Austrian ex-racing driver Niki Lauda is one of the unsung heroes of my youth. It makes me more sad now how could Lauda get riled over an unprecedented decline in morality in his home country. In the local variant of the great, of course, as part of dance competition for celebrities, their level of awareness and relevance of the alphabet, as a rule actually Not enough letters has track record in making a pair with that - and now collect your inside - from 2 (in words: two) men there.

by The Niki not good. Of course he has nothing against homosexuals (and probably as little against blacks, wogs, Gypsies, long-haired bomber, Green voters, working women, and similar Geschwärtels), but that kept him from a similar course, not to bring the claim, two dancing little man not on TV to show. Wes reason? Now, because of the children who are spared such a sight in order to protect them. What gives you a lot of them should spare reasons to keep their spirits before known to be malleable serious psychological after-effects, such shipments would be quite general, but only at the margins.

human, Niki. I'm disappointed. First of all forces you but no one - not even members of a SEKS at gunpoint - a look at this Schmonsens at all (that, my dear ladies and gentlemen, would be time-and-bred state terrorism). Furthermore, I get the suspicion that two dancing female would not disturb you so much wind, especially if they are scantily dressed in suggestive contortions around a pole.

Basic recommendation: Just a few laps in one of our own jets twist, then from above the world looks like quite different and it falls on a also that Western society is facing urgent problems, as two dance-crazy Ösi-water jet deter the disclose public ridicule.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Has Anyone Cured Rhinitis

What television is not all responsible Small

TV makes you stupid, is bad for the eyes and creates electromagnetic pollution. Did we already all (or at least have guessed). In the Frankfurter Rundschau pushed the literary scholar Hannah Schlaffer television now an unusual horror Peter, who finally formulated, and finally a new allegation. I quote just pull a quote :

"The more colorful [television], it fell from the more monochromatic the street scene, the flash of the living room plasma screen illuminated, the pale were the clothes. Lauter blinded grope around in the streets .... Saved the overworked visual sense is entirely the colorless "

Schlaffer lives in Stuttgart, which as an explanation for their opinion-making process, unfortunately, is not quite enough, since Stuttgart therefore is not much gray as so many other German cities (for the record. I large parts of my life spent in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, of course, that his beautiful corners has, because even a concrete jungle would be without any real desert oases).

is also difficult to remotely diagnose what is going on with the loud Schlaffer blinded in the immediate vicinity. Schwaben into common, but so far flown under the radar of society sun cult that forces its followers into the bright light for too long stare? But too many accidents with laser pointers for presentations? A madman who deals with a hot iron to his unsuspecting victims in order to verschmurgeln the innocent eyeballs? We do not know. Perhaps a case for Galileo Mystery.

Or just an unfortunate misperception sleep?

It turns The question is whether Schlaffer's thesis in reverse. Germany's cities were to the introduction of television, which was then known, sent black and white, still quietschbunt? Looked like Disneyland Paderborn, Osnabrück was one sea of color and in Darmstadt was every façade painted with floral scrolls? And what about the people of that time? Konrad Adenauer wore hats and suits in bold colors, as most proud peacock of a political caste that sat next to black and red also on cornflower blue, butter yellow and salmon pink? Mom was in principle only in acid green-spotted coat, patent leather shoes in decent solid gold and rainbow-fringed shawl from the house? Probably not. On the other hand, I am now no Witness as Schlaffer.

any case, I strongly suspect that privately initiated attempts to make urban living more colorful (in itself not so reprehensible claim), are doomed to spectacular failure. Graffiti shall be deemed a nuisance (much of it unfortunately also uninspired transition tags, for example), and I'm not sure how my landlord responds when I tomorrow morning with the ink gun and the Glitter spin was advancing to decorate the wall. We will see ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free Muviesen Espanol

Year in Review

little late perhaps, but I want to deprive my loyal readers no longer what so from 2010 to I got stuck is.

The book that touched me most in 2010, was Room by Emma Donoghue . No, this was not the article eaters at work and has the The eaten, and yes, that's actually not a fantastic novel. So why won this election? The book is touching, funny and also shows that sometimes a story needs a special perspective - in this case, a rather precocious five-year-old - to prevent the drift into stereotypical representations extremely unpleasant events.

The film, which I was most intrigued in 2010: That should Kick-Ass have been. A comic reaction to my liking.

And what about television? is because like last year: Misfits is outstanding, and who is the Christmas special has not yet seen, should catch up quickly (Caution: This is definitely not for those who like no birth scenes still want to have religious feelings hurt) .

favorite politicians (in) the year: This lady here (because it is representative of all is what the people spoils the present policy like this, and because you pick on not only to our vice-chancellor has to show how bad It is currently appointed by the Liberals).

Lieblingsaufreger: that still so many people not only more or less disguised in this country are racists, but also still afraid of the Internet. Very sad really.

And finally: Who a tiny bit would do more than just getting upset ever - as I just like to do ah - that could trial basis once here looking.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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The new year ...

course, if you start with good intentions. For my part, to maintain the blog somewhat regularly, which until now to tell the truth Sun worked middlings. But 2011 is still long.

Another good intent of me next year to excite less and more able to enjoy using the bright things of life, such as by Guido Westerwelle poignant speech at the Twelfth Meeting, which I was on a home TV screen in full length - one of my favorite parts is right at the beginning, in the protests of the Vice-Chancellor: "For whom do we make [pluralistic majestatis?] as politics? For the people to know. " good thing that it does not make policy for cows, cars or bricks. Or in this interesting piece Fund, which shows how wonderful spirit can mean the world to be.

Otherwise: eat more fruit. Most of all fruits that look like they come from another planet, like the here.

More Movement (fortunately, my desk chair has wheels down to it).

altherren all sounds very excessive. Beautiful. It is actually not so younger ...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Can I Drive If I Swallowed Mouthwash is the new home!

Please visit the page ! It serves now as a new home, all the old items have been transferred there!