Since I was raised again at the statistics here remember this final report.
So we had 16,337 visits from 43 countries over the last 512 days in the history of the blog. This means that about 31 people have looked every day come from us. We would like again to thank me, because apart from the construction itself, this project was very interesting for us as well as the people we have come to know. Some readers are now also busy building owners, their diaries, we follow the same great interest to me. Good luck on our side to you.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Motion Trends Ripper Bike
Nice page ...
Since one does not always possible to take care of the house construction, I would like today to present times one can not compensate them. Trivago is a travel information portal on the one for cheap holiday packages, can be found as well as hotel reviews, and leisure activities. In addition to reviews by travelers, many photos are available in order to make a first impression. For me it is already clear that I am on my next trip to Portugal be using the site. Please have a look in, maybe :-)'s also something for you there when the construction is around and you want to treat yourself once again. was
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Period Is Due Brown Mucous Blood
setting the heating
As required by the parameters of our heating come here representing our attitude is not certainly the best. In sum, it means try, try and try again.
is very helpful here free for me that day since I read the feed consumption and comprehend. So you get a really good feeling.
What values are at Adjust the heating needs is different and depends on the heating, ie radiators or underfloor heating, and the Befeuerungsart gas, oil, geothermal and so on.
Lohnenswerk can in principle be visiting , because there you can save some money with a low-cost provider.
As required by the parameters of our heating come here representing our attitude is not certainly the best. In sum, it means try, try and try again.
is very helpful here free for me that day since I read the feed consumption and comprehend. So you get a really good feeling.
heating curve | = | 0.50 | | |
memory set | = | 50 ° C | | |
memory maximum | = | 80 ° C | | |
AT-off limit | = | 12 ° C | | |
reduction: | | | | |
Mon-Fri | = | 21:00 clock to 05:30 clock | ||
Sat-Sun | = | 21:00 clock to 07:00 clock | ||
Absenkttemperatur | = 17 ° C | | |
What values are at Adjust the heating needs is different and depends on the heating, ie radiators or underfloor heating, and the Befeuerungsart gas, oil, geothermal and so on.
Lohnenswerk can in principle be visiting , because there you can save some money with a low-cost provider.
In the following board "I can see some data. be explained
Another Link where including the terms.
manual of wall heater plus ecoTEC .
Installing License Plate On Ml 320
time again Miscellany
is after the top-heavy trip into Sociopolitical last time today the cheerful on the program.
For example, the here (especially Review 15). Comes about three months late because I was just a kind of reasoning lining in would have needed a debate on the possible link between poor reviews and sales success. And the sentence from the Pooh-slating the very end of testimony still of real creativity (and, in general cooked here, too indirectly re-upload the question? see why so many adults, children's literature The response in the case of the Pooh-pan : Because he had to review it seems, to earn his living Yes, yes, the long, inescapable shadow of capitalism ... )..
Sun equal a little foreign currency. Until you are here pretty soon Shirts can be ordered from The Zombies - there is no way prohibited now to get hold of even matter what the collection of one of my esteemed colleagues - I am giving here on a tip for the fashion-conscious nerd. Betippt I was the sensational Nic Klein, who has thus earned a place on forever in my heart - but he was warned, for it is a cold, bleak place, where one is easily captures what. Speaking of cold and cheerless
: I want to be but now Chancellor and / or daughter of the incumbent President so that I can sometimes burst unannounced into the dressing room the football national team . I would be in this, to the West German Rugby Team and various women's beach volleyball interested. Never let it be one that political commitment would now bring only disadvantages (because of rejection by the population and so). On the other hand: Maybe the next wave is the demo worthwhile, to make for free access to all dressing rooms of this country strong. I mean, of course: adults dressing rooms (so what do you say yes now, popping up not just unwilling to Mrs. Gutz next program).
And finally: In terms of integration debate, I am in expressly for the immigration of many French as possible. Poor for our core culture super public for our culture of debate.
For example, the here (especially Review 15). Comes about three months late because I was just a kind of reasoning lining in would have needed a debate on the possible link between poor reviews and sales success. And the sentence from the Pooh-slating the very end of testimony still of real creativity (and, in general cooked here, too indirectly re-upload the question? see why so many adults, children's literature The response in the case of the Pooh-pan : Because he had to review it seems, to earn his living Yes, yes, the long, inescapable shadow of capitalism ... )..
Sun equal a little foreign currency. Until you are here pretty soon Shirts can be ordered from The Zombies - there is no way prohibited now to get hold of even matter what the collection of one of my esteemed colleagues - I am giving here on a tip for the fashion-conscious nerd. Betippt I was the sensational Nic Klein, who has thus earned a place on forever in my heart - but he was warned, for it is a cold, bleak place, where one is easily captures what. Speaking of cold and cheerless
: I want to be but now Chancellor and / or daughter of the incumbent President so that I can sometimes burst unannounced into the dressing room the football national team . I would be in this, to the West German Rugby Team and various women's beach volleyball interested. Never let it be one that political commitment would now bring only disadvantages (because of rejection by the population and so). On the other hand: Maybe the next wave is the demo worthwhile, to make for free access to all dressing rooms of this country strong. I mean, of course: adults dressing rooms (so what do you say yes now, popping up not just unwilling to Mrs. Gutz next program).
And finally: In terms of integration debate, I am in expressly for the immigration of many French as possible. Poor for our core culture super public for our culture of debate.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How Do You Do A Sew In With A Side Bang
We live us ...
is still much to do, but we live in our new home so slowly. Whether the new sports club for our daughter or our first Pumpkin Festival.
are here despite the rural atmosphere as to be experienced and a bunch of companies at the beginning of what we could not really believe. have
convince the economic figures of the house we chose the right path, because the photovoltaic system has brought much good even if the summer was not tingle Sun By using energy saving light bulbs and new kitchen appliances, we could reduce our electricity consumption by over 30%. Our water consumption Comply
the national average, which is okay so far, here we have to increase our discount around 38%, as we have charged us.
The assessment of gas consumption is still quite difficult because the numbers we not quite dare, because current forecast (about 5,700 kWh), we are well below the values ProHaus. Perhaps this also has the Feintunig in our heating to do, because on the internet I came across better parameters reduce consumption. Next year in April, we have more accurate data and then the day of reckoning.
All in all, we are pleased with our decision for a house and as the saying already: "Here grows together what belongs together".
is still much to do, but we live in our new home so slowly. Whether the new sports club for our daughter or our first Pumpkin Festival.
are here despite the rural atmosphere as to be experienced and a bunch of companies at the beginning of what we could not really believe. have

the national average, which is okay so far, here we have to increase our discount around 38%, as we have charged us.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cetaphil And Neutrogena
Oh, Mr. Precht ...
Now he is so jumped on the train. SPIEGEL is a somewhat failed jeremiad by a "moral loss" , the "interwoven in each its own unique characteristics all walks of life." He comes across in this context as a kind "Salon-Marxist" by - in this context is quite correct - the widespread lack of new knowledge that our economic system leads to a widespread loss of solidarity.
Pardon, I forgot the Train to jump on the Precht with his forthcoming recent work seems to describe a little more detail: Basically, it's the one on which the wife our war ... pardon, Defense is the Heizerin (which have in fact so was not too bad, her work in which it denounced the alleged Pornographisierung our society, just a large area to compete in the FIG).
Precht is the very smart ones, in which he talks a lot about the lower class, but here the word to avoid, as well as the concept precariat (why, where the lower class in his world view or the SPIEGEL yet read his book ever get it?). He says rather "Delinquent" . Sounds sociologically grounded, friendly, and as anti-social elements for the same as caster swings up a bit with psychopathological problem of location. Excellent.
whom this entry seems a little confused and unstructured - do not worry, Precht, strangely enough, under the heading of "debate" published text considers it as very similar. After the post-Sarrazin era obviously unfortunately necessary, but that actually unnecessary Note "What the children of Allah and 50 Cent makes them dangerous to our social consensus, are not genes or belief ", he is short on the much more dangerous drug use to speak. Got that? Not? Exactly, I'm saying.
But briefly back to this quote: Precht the reader opens in the slimy octopus arms of the plush Großbürgertumsmiefs on which he was a few paragraphs later we can tramples again. So our social consensus. Aha. But who is the we that is behind this Prayer? I for one do not and perhaps that makes me at once somehow dissocial (Digression: Nice idea for hipster T-shirt printed - this dissocial and fun). Especially - you may regret to say otherwise - is the number with the "children of Allah and 50 Cent" . It demonstrates in a shocking manner that Precht probably not ever thrown a look at the Koran has not added a 50 cent album has. Apart from the fact that I know the gay subtext of the formulation definitely knows how to coax a smile, Precht is apparently unaware that the Muslims understand very well as a community of believers, but not as children of God. One could almost speak of sin, which is very spicy, as is so constantly Precht decency and moral appeals, to which now even includes respect for the religious beliefs of others.
But as I said, it's Precht yes do not 'Muslim propaganda. " Or is it? "are also antisocial society less heated by Muslim propaganda as by capitalist" , he writes, where Islamist propaganda might have been more appropriate, and then he let the cat out of the bag and we learn at last, finally, who the antisocial Sun makes dissocial: "Gangsta Rap, Killer games and pornography."
GKP - the unholy trinity of moral decay. Edifying.
One could engage in Precht games so far that the question of the chicken and the egg, respectively symptom and cause. But if you're first place, because it does not need. The three usual suspects once a closer look brings a lot more fun. Above all, for they are always done as if they were new supposedly harmful influences. If yes then unfortunately sometimes not.
music styles that can be attributed in the broadest sense of a subculture that has always shine ever again with successful times, sometimes mindless provocation. Precht warning against gangsta rap is in effect the echo of the warning of the rock and roll, the punk, metal or whatever from the mouth of the Great worried citizens. We show you some examples from the German pop music history: tone Stone shards call "broken force, which destroys you" and the Bundesbank, nuclear power plants, police and military are still there. The doctors land with "Claudia shephard" in the index, and still have today - a conservative estimate - the same number or fewer women regularly having sex with four-legged friends like creation date of the song. Rammstein fared recently with "I hurt you," not unlike the doctors, and yet is nowhere to be seen that the BDSM scene is overrun by masses of teenagers.
killer games. Also gladly accepted, and linguistically a completely botched concept. Of course there are some shooter where you play crazed killers who murder rather indiscriminately. A few, however. For the majority of the shooter, that scenario does not assign the Scifi and even there, you play - drum roll, please - soldiers or super spies / agents / detectives . Will my: Assume that the high level of identification with the character, which is poor pimply boys commonly assumed (because who else would a "decent" man on the idea to take a shooter even with a barge pole?), Refers not so with instead of antisocial killers, but important function quasi carriers state power. (And yes, Counter Strike can slip into the role of terrorists, but where are all the terrorist cells that have been found in Counter Strike to auszhecken their subversive plans together?) Soldiers game would be as a concept probably more appropriate as a killer game and whether the We the outlines Precht, advocating a society without police and military was, at times uncertain.
leaves the pornography. The cynic in me would like to call Precht: "Be glad that the young people nowadays prefer to jerk off as - say - to set fire to cars or steal grandma's hand bags." But I have assumed that the young people have also previously held that way.
operates Precht In a sense, then, nothing more than pseudo-philosophical pornography: It irritates stimulated with stark, exaggerated and unrealistic images and leaves a strangely unsatisfied at the end. Does anyone have a tissue time soon?
Pardon, I forgot the Train to jump on the Precht with his forthcoming recent work seems to describe a little more detail: Basically, it's the one on which the wife our war ... pardon, Defense is the Heizerin (which have in fact so was not too bad, her work in which it denounced the alleged Pornographisierung our society, just a large area to compete in the FIG).
Precht is the very smart ones, in which he talks a lot about the lower class, but here the word to avoid, as well as the concept precariat (why, where the lower class in his world view or the SPIEGEL yet read his book ever get it?). He says rather "Delinquent" . Sounds sociologically grounded, friendly, and as anti-social elements for the same as caster swings up a bit with psychopathological problem of location. Excellent.
whom this entry seems a little confused and unstructured - do not worry, Precht, strangely enough, under the heading of "debate" published text considers it as very similar. After the post-Sarrazin era obviously unfortunately necessary, but that actually unnecessary Note "What the children of Allah and 50 Cent makes them dangerous to our social consensus, are not genes or belief ", he is short on the much more dangerous drug use to speak. Got that? Not? Exactly, I'm saying.
But briefly back to this quote: Precht the reader opens in the slimy octopus arms of the plush Großbürgertumsmiefs on which he was a few paragraphs later we can tramples again. So our social consensus. Aha. But who is the we that is behind this Prayer? I for one do not and perhaps that makes me at once somehow dissocial (Digression: Nice idea for hipster T-shirt printed - this dissocial and fun). Especially - you may regret to say otherwise - is the number with the "children of Allah and 50 Cent" . It demonstrates in a shocking manner that Precht probably not ever thrown a look at the Koran has not added a 50 cent album has. Apart from the fact that I know the gay subtext of the formulation definitely knows how to coax a smile, Precht is apparently unaware that the Muslims understand very well as a community of believers, but not as children of God. One could almost speak of sin, which is very spicy, as is so constantly Precht decency and moral appeals, to which now even includes respect for the religious beliefs of others.
But as I said, it's Precht yes do not 'Muslim propaganda. " Or is it? "are also antisocial society less heated by Muslim propaganda as by capitalist" , he writes, where Islamist propaganda might have been more appropriate, and then he let the cat out of the bag and we learn at last, finally, who the antisocial Sun makes dissocial: "Gangsta Rap, Killer games and pornography."
GKP - the unholy trinity of moral decay. Edifying.
One could engage in Precht games so far that the question of the chicken and the egg, respectively symptom and cause. But if you're first place, because it does not need. The three usual suspects once a closer look brings a lot more fun. Above all, for they are always done as if they were new supposedly harmful influences. If yes then unfortunately sometimes not.
music styles that can be attributed in the broadest sense of a subculture that has always shine ever again with successful times, sometimes mindless provocation. Precht warning against gangsta rap is in effect the echo of the warning of the rock and roll, the punk, metal or whatever from the mouth of the Great worried citizens. We show you some examples from the German pop music history: tone Stone shards call "broken force, which destroys you" and the Bundesbank, nuclear power plants, police and military are still there. The doctors land with "Claudia shephard" in the index, and still have today - a conservative estimate - the same number or fewer women regularly having sex with four-legged friends like creation date of the song. Rammstein fared recently with "I hurt you," not unlike the doctors, and yet is nowhere to be seen that the BDSM scene is overrun by masses of teenagers.
killer games. Also gladly accepted, and linguistically a completely botched concept. Of course there are some shooter where you play crazed killers who murder rather indiscriminately. A few, however. For the majority of the shooter, that scenario does not assign the Scifi and even there, you play - drum roll, please - soldiers or super spies / agents / detectives . Will my: Assume that the high level of identification with the character, which is poor pimply boys commonly assumed (because who else would a "decent" man on the idea to take a shooter even with a barge pole?), Refers not so with instead of antisocial killers, but important function quasi carriers state power. (And yes, Counter Strike can slip into the role of terrorists, but where are all the terrorist cells that have been found in Counter Strike to auszhecken their subversive plans together?) Soldiers game would be as a concept probably more appropriate as a killer game and whether the We the outlines Precht, advocating a society without police and military was, at times uncertain.
leaves the pornography. The cynic in me would like to call Precht: "Be glad that the young people nowadays prefer to jerk off as - say - to set fire to cars or steal grandma's hand bags." But I have assumed that the young people have also previously held that way.
operates Precht In a sense, then, nothing more than pseudo-philosophical pornography: It irritates stimulated with stark, exaggerated and unrealistic images and leaves a strangely unsatisfied at the end. Does anyone have a tissue time soon?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
My Dog Has A Dark Flaky Spot On Skin
Back Joyful from foreign
The Moops and myself recently had the great pleasure of a few days a stranger to spend. Every year in Oberursel - a name as an insult, as the honorable Falko Löffler noted not without reason - The members of a Author Forum one. We use the weekend to take place at this meeting, traditionally with other hacks to make much sense to talk a lot more hilly and more nonsensical. The cellar bar of the hotel has probably the stuffy smoking area of the universe - and who live there come out again, is undoubtedly one of the Harten (though not necessarily healthy for the mentally, but you can not have everything). In short, we had lots of fun and have largely dispensed with sleep. The Moops also has successfully distributed one or the other Erkältungserregerlein to our closest friends and acquaintances from the forum for a while what have of him. Well done!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Fluxocillin Chest Infection
Communication and Completion of an Bringschuld
First to the joyous release: On can here see how two of my esteemed colleague, a charming host and I try it, to fathom / explain / conceal, what fantasy for now at all is.
Now to the question of guilt: The team has discussed some time ago my zombies - and also filmed the prologue. I Dösbaddel legally culpable but forgot to mention that at this point. So high official: I ask sincerely for forgiveness in this matter (but then again I'm old now and since they account for a sudden many Things. Here may click the interested reader can contact to help me to carry my fault.
Speaking debt removal: Also not mentioned so far wrong of me - I drive myself since Thursday evening irregularly around on a beautiful event called Fantastic Worlds , to be held until Sunday at my old Alma Mater. It is interesting to once again hang around at the University of Hamburg, and hopefully even more interesting is the panel discussion, which I will participate on Sunday. I let myself be surprised sometimes ...
Now to the question of guilt: The team has discussed some time ago my zombies - and also filmed the prologue. I Dösbaddel legally culpable but forgot to mention that at this point. So high official: I ask sincerely for forgiveness in this matter (but then again I'm old now and since they account for a sudden many Things. Here may click the interested reader can contact to help me to carry my fault.
Speaking debt removal: Also not mentioned so far wrong of me - I drive myself since Thursday evening irregularly around on a beautiful event called Fantastic Worlds , to be held until Sunday at my old Alma Mater. It is interesting to once again hang around at the University of Hamburg, and hopefully even more interesting is the panel discussion, which I will participate on Sunday. I let myself be surprised sometimes ...
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